Embedded Strategy

Goal. Embed sustainable business practices within the organisation.


  • Does your company's mission statement include a commitment to social and/or environmental responsibility?
  • Does your most senior governance body include members with social and environmental expertise?
  • Does your most senior governance body take appropriate steps to assess and mitigate ESG risks on the organisation, including impacts related to climate change?
  • Do all full-time managers have social or environmental responsibilities, expectations or behaviours in their job descriptions?
  • Have all full-time managers had a formal written performance evaluation in the last year that included social or environmental goals?
  • Do any senior leaders or executives have their compensation tied to achieving specific social and environmental metrics or objectives?

SBA Tools and Support

Materiality Matrix PLUS
An advanced version of our popular materiality tool based on CSRD requirements

ESG Policy Templates
A downloadable suite of templates to help you develop the relevant ESG policies and procedures.

Carbon Calculator PRO
An excel based calculator for you to calculate your Scope 1-3 emissions in line with the GHG Protocol.

ESG Reporting Tool
A downloadable excel template for you to compile and analyse data on your priority ESG impacts.
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