Tools and Resources

Freshppact R&D Hub

Provided by: University of Northampton


FRESHPPACT provides a hub for businesses and industry consortia to identify and evaluate solutions to shared sustainability challenges. Use the web platform to post innovation challenges, submit solutions and score proposals.

Launched in 2022 with support from a UKAid grant via the Sustainable Manufacturing and Pollution Programme (SMEP), its first focus has been on finding solutions to mitigate plastic pollution in Ghana. As part of the project, the FRESHPPACT web platform was developed to manage the call for solutions and enable a team of independent assessors to evaluate the proposals that were received.

If you are looking for solutions to a sustainability challenge, get in touch to see how FRESHPPACT can help.

What's Included

  • Online platform for managing funding bids
  • Host challenge funds to find ideas, solutions and research
  • Dedicated support to promote bids and engage stakeholders
  • Invite reviewers to assess and score submitted proposals

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